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19 March 2021

Certainly, similar things come to our minds when it comes to mountaineering.  When many  of us say  “If comfort and mountaineering were to meet on one plane, both would be at the two ends of this linear plane.”, a brand colloboration turned everything upside down.

Bu Görsel Boş Bir Alt Niteliğe Sahip; Dosya Adı Gu699_Tnf_Pr-Crops_Single-Image_150Dpi_062-1200X841.Jpg

The Northface& Gucci colloboraiton winked at winter as one of the enjoyable Works of the season. Gucci creative director Alessandro Michelle who expressed her fondness for nature with the colors and shapes she used in collections of old seasons at every opportunity, interpreted this coorperation as fulfiling responsibility of the brand to the sector.

The colleciton creates the feeling that you are looking at the very old winter holidays photos of your parents inspşred by 1970s. This sincere and warm colleciton, surely, combines North Faces innovative stance with Gucci’s luxury aesthetics.

Bu Görsel Boş Bir Alt Niteliğe Sahip; Dosya Adı Guccinorthface-1200X841.Jpg

The fact that every thing about the mountaineering is also included in this new colleciton proves us that The North Face is still pursuing the adventure, even though it takes the luxury to itself.