
Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care and Makeup Routine

1 August 2023
Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care and Makeup Routine

We look at the grooming and beauty routine of former Victoria’s Secret angel and new CEO Miranda Kerr.

Former supermodel and Victoria’s Secret angel, new CEO and mom, Miranda Kerr is enchantingly beautiful. But Miranda’s magic isn’t just in her lines; she has an inner light and aura. In a time when appearance is so important, Miranda Kerr draws a different path for herself with her holistic perspective on beauty. Inspired by her childhood, Miranda firmly believes in the philosophy of her mother’s phrase “Shine your light” written on her pillow. For her, beauty is not conforming to stereotypes, but celebrating individuality and uniqueness.

Adopting a holistic and mindful lifestyle that includes spiritual and mental well-being, gratitude, conscious living and exercise, Miranda Kerr’s journey to beauty and health is truly inspiring.

“Every thought affects us at the cellular level. This is a fact that I have both learned and felt. We can choose our thoughts, and when we do, we can help transform our reality so that we have an impact on our lives. We must always remember that.”

Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care And Makeup Routine
Miranda Kerr

Morning Routine

Although Miranda Kerr describes herself as a night owl, she has been trying to acquire new habits to change this situation for a while. The alarm clock is set at 05:00. Meditation and yoga are essential for Miranda, who makes a social media detox when she wakes up after 7 hours of sleep. The founder of Kora Organics, who has made meditation an important part of his life since the age of 18, practices 20 minutes of transcendental meditation or Kriya yoga meditation, aimed at finding relaxation and inner peace by repeating silent mantras in the morning. Is his head too full? She then uses the Insight Timer app that keeps her focused and includes guided quick meditation sessions. After meditation she does a half hour compact workout with kundalini yoga and weights. The application he uses for this is Crush-It.

As it turns out, a balanced and self-aware beginning is the primary source of Miranda’s morning glow. The feeling of gratitude is at the center of her daily routine. Every morning, Miranda repeats to herself at least three things she is grateful for, instilling positive energy in her mind and revealing the power to turn obstacles into opportunities. This practice is very important for raising the mood of the day and for Miranda’s general mood.

“How we talk to ourselves is very important, recognizing the moments when you are cruel to yourself and turning the situation into a positive one… For example, when you look outside and think, ‘It’s raining, I can wear my favorite scarf today,’ rather than being unhappy with, ‘I can’t believe it, it’s raining!’.

Another must-have after meditation and exercise is the purifying liquid diet she. Celery juice is Miranda’s miraculous drink. Half an hour before breakfast, Kerr drinks freshly squeezed celery juice on an empty stomach, and then prepares a heavy metal detox smoothie containing blueberry, spirulina, barley, orange juice and banana.

Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care And Makeup Routine
Miranda Kerr

Aware Nutrition

After morning’s smoothie, Miranda prepares her own porridge if she’s still hungry. The supermodel, who adopts the 80/20 rule in her eating habits, does not have a clearly defined diet program. Everything is flowing, aware and balanced. Kerr, who prefers healthy foods with 80%, uses the remaining 20% for cheat meals. Chocolate and chips are Miranda’s hot spot. We think that a large part of my 20% slice is spent with these two. When you think of french fries, don’t think of fast-food products. We are talking about a relatively innocent cheat meal prepared with the Air-frier.

Miranda’s lunch menu includes a light salad with fish, chicken or red meat. Unlikely, Miranda eats dinner twice, once with her children and once when her husband comes home. With turmeric, garlic, and lemon, slow-cooked organic chicken roast is Kerr’s favorite dinner. She even loves this dish so much that she cooked it with her own hands and served it to the guests at her wedding.

Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care And Makeup Routine
Miranda Kerr

In addition to celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie, other green water recipes also have an important share in this nutritional routine. “Cold-pressed green waters do a real health doping to the blood stream. The chlorophyll in these waters makes the blood healthier and increases the oxygen level in the blood. They are also very rich in vitamins and minerals. This is perfect for clear skin and bright eyes.”

Finally, it should be noted that the beautiful star prefers tea rather than coffee. Herbal yogi teas are among her favorites, alongside black tea and Earl Grey. However, Kerr, a mother of three, does not say no to a cup of coffee in the mornings when she cannot sleep well.

Exercise and Wellness Balance

“I’ve been a yoga and pilates person my whole life. But now I’m also interested in weight training,” says Miranda Kerr. Star, who has made these two practices her life philosophy for many years, has made fitness and cardio routines a part of her sports habits after reaching her 40s. Providing a balanced flow of sports with Pilates, resistance bands, kundalini yoga, swimming and weights, Miranda also started running regularly: “I pay attention to completing my 10,000 steps a day.”

The successful CEO, who also stated that he did not have time to attend Pilates classes; Tracy Anderson creates her own pilates flow with Megan Roup and The Pilates Class practices. After all these exercises, he puts a great point in his high tempo with a cold shower.

Meditation is at the center of Miranda’s flow. We said that Kerr starts the day with meditation and mantras. The situation does not change even before sleep. Chamomile teas also help the 40-year-old entrepreneur model if she needs a quick meditation routine with Insight Timer or to relax alongside intense meditation programs for a deeper sleep.

Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care And Makeup Routine
Miranda Kerr

Daily Care Ritual and Miranda’s Must-Haves

The first step in Miranda Kerr’s morning care is dry brushing. Dry brushing is a technique that Miranda has been using for years, both to remove dead skin from the body and to revitalize the skin by accelerating blood flow. After this session, it’s time to shower and skin care. Kerr, who loves to be versatile, applies some of her skin care in the shower. She energizes her skin by using her own brand’s Turmeric Brightening and Exfoliating mask.

Kora Organics started as a passion of Miranda Kerr long before the beauty brand rush of the era. Kerr is not only the founder but also CEO and still owns 95% of the brand, which is now on sale in 25 countries. Miranda, who has her own touch in every product, is proud of her brand and reflects her holistic approach to Kora Organics’ products. Getting help from aromatherapy in her care ritual, Kerr cleanses her skin with Turmeric Glow Foaming Cleanser in the mornings and cleanses her energy with Palo Santo, which is included in the product.

When she gets out of the shower, she first applies Energizing Citrus Mist, then Noni Bright Vitamin C Serum – this product helps combat blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles. Afterwards, she uses Noni Radiant Eye Oil and feeds her moisturizer mixed with Noni Glow Oil on both her face and décolleté. She mixes Noni Glow Body Butter and Enriched Body Lotion and applies it all over her body.

In the evenings, it’s time for a double cleaning. After purifying her skin from the remnants of the day with Cream Cleanser, Miranda uses Noni Night AHA Resurfacing Serum to renew the skin texture. The rest of the routine is the same as during the day. Noni Radiant Eye Oil for moisturizing and eye contour mixed with oil.

Masks and skin massage are also the last therapeutic step of the night. “I apply Noni Glow Sleeping Mask every night before going to bed. Silver ear fungus, coconut milk, caviar lime, Kakadu plum and natural hyaluronic acid really plump the skin, soften fine lines and reduce redness. Another step is gua sha! I use the heart-shaped Kora Rose Quartz Face Stone with Noni Glow Face Oil for about five minutes to reduce under-eye puffiness, firm, tone and sculpt.”

Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care And Makeup Routine
Miranda Kerr

Night baths are Miranda’s favorite on days when she wants to pamper herself. After the kids go to sleep, Kerr prepares a bath with crystals, sea salt, and baking soda, clears the energy with a palo santo, lights a few candles, dims the lights, and closes her eyes to soothing music—usually Snatam Kaur. Meanwhile, of course, his phone is in flight mode and his wi-fi is off.

Signature Makeup and Savior Hairstyle

Miranda Kerr’s signature makeup isn’t hard to guess. Fresh skin and a natural pink. Miranda, who does not want to cover her skin too much, mixes her concealer with care oil and applies it to her skin. Thus, she gains a healthy glow while balancing the skin tone slightly. Saying that she is obsessed with blush, Kerr uses a blush called Heart, which she collaborates with RMS Beauty. The beautiful model, who likes to apply the product to the eyelids, likes the eyes, cheeks and lips to be the same color. This quick monochrome make-up is the shortcut to look energetic and well-groomed. On days when she feels a little bolder and more playful, Miranda’s secret weapon is red lipstick.

Miranda Kerr’s Wellness, Care And Makeup Routine
Miranda Kerr

Saying that she tries to wash her hair at night to dry it naturally, Miranda Kerr prefers a single braid or a jet bun. Saving options for a busy mom of 3 kids. She has bushy hair but fine strands, so she likes to use dry shampoos that don’t contain the harmful effects of hairspray for hold and some texture.